United Nations Common Country Assessment for Viet Nam

United Nations Common Country Assessment for Viet Nam

June 20, 2013

This Common Country Assessment (CCA) presents the United Nations agencies’ shared analysis ofViet Nam’s recent development achievements and remaining challenges over the medium-term. The document is the product of an extensive consultation process within the United Nations system and with the Government and other development partners. It builds on recent country analysis and planning efforts including those contributing to the Ten-Year Strategy for Socio-Economic Development 2001-2010 (SEDS), sectoral plans and strategies and the Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (CPRGS). The analysis also draws heavily on the information presented in recent Millennium Development Goals Reports produced by the United Nations Country Team.

The unique contribution of the CCA is to analyse the current development situation in Viet Nam from the perspective of the rights-based approach of the United Nations. Rights-based approaches view development as part of a larger process of promoting and protecting human rights, and therefore focus attention on inclusiveness, equity and the situation of the most vulnerable members of society. Rights-based approaches therefore attempt to look beyond national averages to consider the specific situation of women and children, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and other weak or marginalized groups.