The Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index: National Trends from 2011-2015

The Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index: National Trends from 2011-2015

April 13, 2016

In 2015 there were declines in five out of the six dimensions measured by PAPI, with the ‘Control of Corruption’ and ‘Transparency’ dimensions falling the most. There were also significant declines in the ‘Participation at Local Level’ and ‘Vertical Accountability’ dimensions. In addition, there was a slight decrease in the performance of the ‘Public Administrative Procedures’ dimension. On a positive note, scores for the ‘Public Service Delivery’ dimension continued to increase modestly.

Out of the six dimensions the most substantial drop was in the transparency index, which fell more than 7%. This decline is partly because of less public awareness of local lists of poor households and less confidence in the accuracy of the information provided in the lists. In addition, fewer citizens were aware of the commune budget and expenditure information and did not feel confident that the information provided in the budget is correct.

Document Type
Regions and Countries