Precedent: EU JULE Policy Brief No.4

Precedent: EU JULE Policy Brief No.4

August 5, 2020

Precedents are arguments and rulings written on effective judgments or decisions of the courts that are selected by the Council of Justices of the Supreme People's Court and published by the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court in order for other courts to study and adopt them when deciding later cases.

The doctrine on legal precedents has only recently been introduced to Vietnam. In 2014, the National Assembly adopted the Law on the Organization of People’s Courts which mandated the Justices Council and the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) to develop judicial precedents and ensure the uniform application of the law. The development of precedents is expected to improve transparency in the Vietnamese courts. This policy brief will summarize the development process of precedents in Viet Nam, with challenges and recommendations to better support access to justice for vulnerable groups.

EU JULE - Towards justice for all